Important People
The BCC is under the direction of a Volunteer Board of Directors. Directors are elected at the Annual General Meeting held in the Spring.
2024/2025 (See biographies below)
Are you interested in becoming a member of the BCC Board of Directors? Check out some FAQs HERE. Watch for recruitment information on our home page!’
- Steve Connolly, Vice President
- Sean Bourne, Director
- Allister Young, Director
- Susan Hing, Director, Secretary
- Molly Kriksic, Director
- Valerie McCoy, Director
- Teri McIntosh, Director, Treasurer
- Peter Raymond, Director
- Margaret Roberts, President
- Chris Rollo, Director
- Susan Torrance, Director
- Lynn Woodcroft, Director
Ex-officio, non-voting members
- Councillor Brian Henry – Selwyn Township Liaison
- Councillor Peter Franzen- Municipality of Trent Lakes Liaison
- Judy McWhirter, General Manager
- Jim Tatum, Facility Manager
- Meghan Arnott, Signature Events & Youth Program Coordinator
- Robert Murray, Accounting Clerk

Steve Connolly
Vice President
Steve Connolly
Vice President
My wife Anne and I moved from the GTA to Buckhorn in the spring of 2013. We vacationed in the area with our three children for over 25 years, so Buckhorn had already become our second home. We started volunteering at the BCC and the BDTA soon after we arrived permanently and met so many great people. In July 2019, we wound down our business which focused on distributing educational resources, and fully retired. This allowed us more time to volunteer. In addition to volunteering at BCC events and serving on the board, I am also part of the BCC Building, Finance and Strategic Planning Committees and I currently Chair the Smith-Ennismore Police Service Board.

Chris Rollo
Chris Rollo
This leg of our “Buckhorn Adventure” started in 2015 when my husband and I permanently moved to the area June 2015. I was familiar with the area because of much time spent since the sixties at a family cottage on Little Bald Lake. We feel so fortunate to live in such a beautiful part of our country. The vibrant BCC enhances the experience of living in this area and I feel grateful for the opportunity to participate in the programs at the BCC and the ability to volunteer at the BCC. I retired after 43 amazing years working in education in June 2013. During my career I had many experiences and opportunities which enriched my experience and enhanced my life. I was a classroom teacher and support staff in both elementary and secondary settings and on a reservation in northern Ontario. l worked in settings with students in care, custody and treatment, provided teacher training, and finally ended my career as a secondary administrator. Moving forward, I am excited about the opportunity to use the skills I developed over the course of my professional life to contribute to and support the important community work at the Buckhorn Community Centre.

Sean Bourne
Sean Bourne
My wife Sherry and our family have been coming to Buckhorn for over 60 years. Our three children and now our grandchildren call this their favorite place. We have a home in Trent Lakes where we spend most our time and we have a cottage on Buckhorn Lake in Selwyn.
We have been fortunate enough to support many of the local social initiatives, like the Buckhorn Health Centre, the ice rink next to the BCC, the children’s playground at the Buckhorn Public School, Community Care, and the BCC over many years. Since retiring from my 36 years of flying and aircraft sales, I decided to get involved as an active volunteer in the administration of the BCC as a Board member. I hope I can contribute in a meaningful way to the ongoing success of the Buckhorn Community Centre.

Susan Hing
Director, Secretary
Susan Hing
Director, Secretary
I have very fond memories of coming to Buckhorn during my visits to my Grandparent’s cottage on Lake Chemong as a child. My husband and I retired in July of 2021 and moved to our cottage in Wilberforce with the plan to rebuild it. However, due to various reasons we decided to sell and move closer to the city. When looking for a new place to live we discovered Buckhorn and realized that this would be the perfect community for us. We moved here in August of 2022, and we couldn’t be happier with our decision. This community I think is the friendliest place on earth! I worked for the YMCA of Greater Toronto in Health and Fitness for over 35 years. When I discovered the BCC, it felt like home as it has similar values and goals as the Y. I look forward to working with the Board, Staff, and great volunteers!

Molly Kriksic
Molly Kriksic
My husband and I purchased a beautiful home on Little Bald Lake and have made a permanent move to Buckhorn. We fell in love with the beauty and the sense of belonging that the community offers. Our big move was from Guelph where we raised 3 children. My background has always been either working or volunteering in the charitable, not-for-profit sector with a passion for children and youth with special needs. I’ve sat on both sides of the funding table – applying for funds from various sources and reviewing grants. Looking forward to meeting wonderful new people in our new home town.

Valerie McCoy
Valerie McCoy
Our love of Buckhorn began in 2020 when Covid accelerated plans of rural living for my husband Rick and I. We had “lived to work” in the GTA for over twenty years and escaped north whenever possible. Four years later a balancing act is in process – of leisure here and work in Markham. My last work chapter was the 2018 founding of a Canadian corporation for a global company – and presently the management of that growing business. As a long career winds down – thoughts turn to further integration in the community. Volunteering at BCC is a perfect fit for both personal interest and an opportunity to contribute with experience gained operating a for-profit business. The greatest insight I gained is that no organization thrives without the right team of committed people working together to provide value to customers. BCC obviously is providing their patrons valuable services. I’m honoured to continue this important work and be a part of BCC’s future success serving our wonderful community.

Allister Young
Allister Young
My wife Maureen and I moved from the Niagara region and became fulltime residents of Buckhorn in January 2020 upon our retirement. The property we now call home, on Lower Buckhorn Lake, has been our cottage since 2003. For 38 years I was a Professor in Brock University’s Goodman School of Business; I hold graduate degrees in accounting and law as well as the professional designation of FCPA. Now a retiree and fulltime Buckhorn resident, I volunteer at Community Care, Lions Club, and the Buckhorn Public School Breakfast Program. At the BCC I have volunteered my time at dinner theatre, the Festival of Art and summer cruise nights. Volunteers are the heart and soul of this community and I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to this wonderful organization that enriches our daily lives.

Lynn Woodcroft
Lynn Woodcroft
After spending 10 years hauling our boat back and forth to the lakes, we decided in 1998 to make the move to beautiful Buckhorn. I returned to school and obtained my B.Sc. in Biology and Environmental Science with strengths in aquatic ecology from Trent University. I graduated alongside my oldest son. It was the best day ever. I have been a member of the board of directors for the Buckhorn Community Centre for the past 4 years. It is a very important roll to me and I hope to continue my role for years to come. I enjoy the outdoors, fitness and spending time with family and friends. Buckhorn has been my home for 23 years. It is my favourite place in the world and there is no place I would rather be.

Teri McIntosh
Teri McIntosh
I met my husband Dave while tagging along on a ski trip with my brother and his work buddies. We have three children (Brian, Paul and Daniel) and now have 3 grandsons (Tristan, Ethan and Benjamin) as well. I grew up in beautiful Guildwood Village in the east end of a Toronto and moved back there with Dave after we had been married for a few years. In 2013 we decided to sell our cottage near Bancroft and find a home on a lake a little closer to Toronto.
Luckily for us we discovered beautiful Buckhorn. We made the move from Toronto in July of 2014 and have been very happy with that decision. I continued to work as a District Manager for H & R Block for the first year that we lived here but decided to retire in the fall of 2015. The people in Buckhorn as well as the sense of community have been very welcoming. Choosing Buckhorn to retire in was the best decision we could have made. Our children always comment on how busy we are now and are happy that we are enjoying our retirement in such a wonderful place.

Peter Raymond
Peter Raymond
My family and I bought property in Oak Shores area in 1981 as cottagers and became permanent residents in 1990. It was very much a quality-of-life decision, for our son to grow up in a Safe & more Natural Environment. We are blessed with two wonderful twin grand-daughters. Over the years, both my wife and I have been engaged in many community activities. Brief sample: Scout Leader, Beautiful Buckhorn Task Force – geraniums in Buckhorn & Christmas Tree lighting, Trent Lakes Christmas Hamper group, and various other groups. I have project management, strategic planning, facilitation, IT, and customer service skills and experience from working in the Financial Services & IT sectors in North America with major corporations.

Margaret Roberts
Margaret Roberts
I’ve worked for years in the public education sector, as a teacher and administrator, and then supervising schools as a superintendent. After moving into the operational side of a school board, I managed the facilities department and then all the operational departments that supported a $1.4 billion budget. I hold degrees in education and business, and diplomas in child studies and human resource management because my curiosity leads me into new studies every few years! Right now, I’m learning to play the banjo. I have thoroughly enjoyed volunteering ever since I became a Sparks leader and currently serve as Chair of the Trent Lakes Library Board, am a Community Care volunteer, and Vice-President of the BCC. It’s a pleasure to contribute to the community that provides such a supportive place to live, learn and work.

Susan Torrance
Susan Torrance
My career has encompassed a variety of positions in the Social Service Sector government both provincial and municipal, non profit, private sector and community college. I have lived, worked and volunteered in Thunder Bay, Toronto, Korea and until my retirement in 2016, Peterborough County. My husband Jim and I moved to and renovated his cottage on Big Bald Lake in 1996. I continued to work while he renovated. We enjoy all that the area has to offer and are avid boaters, and curlers, both of us being members of the Bobcaygeon Curling Club. The Community Centre has been an integral part of our social life and through the years we have enjoyed bringing our out-of-town company to the many dinner theatres, art festivals and other activities. I am pleased that I am now able to work to help support and keep the centre a viable part of our community.
- Judy McWhirter – General Manager
- Jim Tatum – Facility Manager
- Meghan Arnott, Signature Events & Youth Program Coordinator
- Robert Murray, Finance Manager
Regular Part-Time Volunteers
- Nancy Fairweather
- Diane Michell
- Diane Skinner
- Deb Crossen

Judy McWhirter
General Manager, Ex-Officio Board Member
Judy McWhirter
General Manager, Ex-Officio Board Member
My husband Rob and I moved to Buckhorn 1980 to raise our two young children. We now have four grandchildren! I have been manager of the Centre since 1986 and enjoy meeting new people, organizing events and working with amazing volunteers. In my spare time I enjoy gardening, sewing, golfing and spending time with family.