Buckhorn’s Cultural Centre

Upcoming Events

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Events at a glance

The BCC hosts fundraising events throughout the year. Check out our listing of events for the coming year.

Annual golf tournament. Thursday May 29 at The Quarry Golf Course. Call 705-657-8833 for more information about being a sponsor or playing.

11th Annual Golf Tourney

Calling all duffers! Get your team together and support the BCC on Thursday, May 29 at the beautiful Quarry Golf Course. Register today! Become a Sponsor.

Free Activities for Seniors until the end of March. Call for information 705-657-8833

Keeping Seniors Active

This is your opportunity to try something new. Register now for these classes. Space is limited in some cases.  More information about individual classes

Keeping Seniors Active – Lunch and Learn Wednesday February 19. This is a FREE lunch at noon with a speaker to follow. Michael Williams from Trent Health in Motion will speaking on. Active aging: Call 705-657-8833 for more information

Lunch and Learn

Bring your friends and join us for lunch! Everyone is welcome. Please RSVP so that we can be prepared.

Blizzard Fest Feb. 15, 10am - 3pm. Vendors, indoor and outdoor activities. Chili contest, children's activities. Cash donation for entry.


Bring the whole family out for the Family Day activity. Dress for the weather to enjoy all the activities! If you’d like to enter the Chili Cook-off, please complete and submit this registration before February 10.

Seeking a new board member. Call 705-657-8833 for more information or email generalmgr@buckhorncommunitycentre.com

Seeking a new board member

The BCC is looking for a financially minded individual who is passionate about building a stronger community. Apply now

Our Programs

People participating in Tai Chi class

Exercise Classes

We have all sorts of exercise classes for everyone of all fitness levels. Check out our calendar to find an exercise class that suits you! There’s yoga, circuit training, Tai Chi, and more activities to get you moving!

People enjoying winter meal outside

Social Activities

New to the area and want to meet more people? Come to the BCC and participate in a variety of activities that will make you feel welcome. Join a game of Bid Euchre or attend a lunch and learn or even try singing! Let us know what you would be interested in – we’re always looking for interesting social activities.

Rental hall for events in Buckhorn


We have all sorts of great spaces for rent at the BCC! Planning a wedding or large family gathering? Come and talk to us about your rental needs and we’ll help you find the perfect space for your event! We are a licensed facility.

Buck Horn Community Centre Outdoor Sign

About the Buckhorn Community Centre

The Buckhorn Community Centre & Athletic Association is committed to offering a wide variety of activities, events and programs to meet the recreational and social and cultural needs of the Community. In order to build a vibrant and sustainable Centre, the foundation of the Community success, is the continued dedication of Volunteers.

The Buckhorn Community Centre is a charitable, not-for-profit organization, raising funds through major annual events as well as many on-going activities throughout the year. Over 300 volunteers contribute their time and talents to make these events a success. It all started in the mid 1970’s…

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